

#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS BenBentoniteViscosifier
2GS ZanXanthan GumViscosifier
3GS Viscal HTRHigh Temperature Viscosifier / Mud StabilizerViscosifier
4GS Vis WHTHigh Temperature ViscosifierViscosifier

Shale Inhibitors

#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1Gel PA ®PolyamineShale Control
2Gel PA ® PPolyamineShale Control
3Gel PA ® DPolyamineShale Control
4Gel PA ® EPolyamineShale Control
5Gel PA ® APolyamine Shale Control
6GS Guard CShale inhibitorShale Control
7GS Col L/M/HClouding Glycol Low /Medium/High Cloud PointShale Control
8GS DrillPHPA LiquidShale Control
9GS Drill PlusPHPA PowderShale Control
10GS Drill Plus CCationic PHPA PowderShale Control
11Gel AsphatexSulphonated Asphalt type 1Shale Control
12Gel AsphaltexSulphonated Asphalt Type 2Shale Control
13GS HexaplexAluminium complex Shale inhibitorShale Control
14GT Lati SealNano Latex EmulsionWellbore Stabilization

Fluid Loss control

#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1Gel StarchPreserved Modified API StarchFluid Loss Control
2GS Starch HTHigh Temperature StarchFluid Loss Control
3GS Pac LVPolyanionic Cellulose Low ViscosityFluid Loss Control
4GS CMC LVCarboxy Methyl Cellulose Low ViscosityFluid Loss Control
5GS Starch CMCarboxy Methyl StarchFluid Loss Control
6GS CMC HVCarboxy Methylate Cellulose High Viscosity (Pure/Tech)Fluid Loss Control
7GS PAC RPolyanionic Cellulose Regular (Pure)Fluid Loss Control
8GS PAC R PlusPolyanionic Cellulose Regular (Tech)Fluid Loss Control
9GS RXResinated LigniteDispersant
10GS Temp HTLHigh Temperature Fluid Loss Control AdditiveFluid Loss Control
11GS LigLignite Fluid Loss Control


#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1Gel EP Torque Reducer ®Lubricant for WBM and OBMExtreme Pressure Lubrication
2Gel Sil EPLEco-friendly EP Lubricant for sodium silicate mudSilicate Lubrication
3GS LubeEco Friendly Universal LubricantCost Effective Lubrication
4Gel EB LubeEster based lubricantHigh Performance Lubrication
5GS Sal LubeClear Brine LubricantLubricant for completion fluids
6GS Lube NVLow Pour Point Lubricant Cost Effective Lubrication
7POLVO EB LUBEPowdered Ester Based LubricantHigh Performance Lubrication
8POLVO LUBEPowdered LubricantLubrication
9POLVO EPTRPowdered Extreme Pressure Torque ReducerLubrication


#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS C ligCausticized LigniteDispersant
2GS CRChrome LigniteDispersant
3GS CFLSChrome Free Ligno SulphonateDispersant
4GS K LigPotassium LigniteDispersant
5GS Thin WPolymeric DispersantDispersant
6GS CFDChrome free defloccullantDispersant


#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GT Bottoms UpFibers for hole cleaning and sweepingHole Cleaning
2GS Bio AMAmine Based BiocideBiocide -Drilling and Completion
3GS Bio ALAldehyde Based BiocideBiocide -Drilling and Completion
4GS Bio TZTriazine Based BiocideBiocide -Drilling and Completion
5GS CideEPA approved BiocideBiocide -Drilling and Completion
6GS CI PFCorrosion Inhibitor for Packer FluidsCorrosion Inhibitor - Drilling and Completion
7GS CICorrosion InhibitorCorrosion Inhibitor - Drilling and Completion
8GS CI PPhosphate-based corrosion inhibitorCorrosion Inhibitor - Drilling and Completion
9GS CI PlusCorrosion Control, Oxygen scavenger, BiocideCorrosion Inhibitor
10GT CI OSImidazoline based Corrosion InhibitorCorrosion Inhibitor -Drilling and Completion
11GT CI HTImidazoline-based Corrosion Inhibitor High temp.Corrosion Inhibitor -Drilling and Completion
12GS CI CVImidazoline - Corrosion Inhibitor Veg. Oil-based concentrateCorrosion Inhibitor - Drilling and Completion
13GS CI CTImidazoline -Corrosion Inhibitor Tall Oil based concentrateCorrosion Inhibitor -Drilling and Completion
14GS Defoamer SSilicon Based DefoamerDefoamer
15GS Defoamer AAlcohol Based DefoamerDefoamer
16Gel Defoamer GGlycol Based DefoamerDefoamer
17GS Defoamer PPowdered Defoamer Al-Stearate BasedDefoamer
18GS NOXOxygen ScavengerOxygen Scavenger
19GS NOX PPowdered Oxygen ScavengerOxygen Scavenger
20GS NOX SFOxygen Scavenger (Sulphur free)Oxygen Scavenger Liquid
21GS NOX EBOxygen Scavenger (Sulphur free)Oxygen Scavenger Powder
22GT ScavTriazine based H2S ScavengerH2S Scavenger-Drilling and Completion
23GS Scav ZiZinc Based ScavengerH2S Scavenger-Drilling and Completion
24GS Stab M/GS Stab/ GS Stab TPolymer Temperature Extender/Polymer StabilizerTemperature Extender/Polymer Stabilizer
25GT Salt HibSalt Crystallization InhibitorSalt Crystallization Inhibitor
26GS Aqua GilLiquid GilsoniteLiquid Gilsonite
27GS Foam CBAdditive for Foam Drilling Foaming agent
28GS MMOMixed Metal Oxide Rheology Extender
29GS Break FGLiquid Acid PrecursorIn-Situ Organic Acid
30GS NE 615Non emulsifier for Acidization Acidizing, Fracturing and work over
31GS RAAROP EnhancerROP Enhancer and Anti-Accretion Agent

Loss Circulation

#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS LC SealLCM FibersLoss Circulation
2GS Nut Plug (C/M/F)Walnut shellsLoss Circulation
3Gel Flake (C/M/F)99% Acid Soluble Flaked Calcium Carbonate (C/M/F)Loss Circulation
4GS Mica (C/M/F)Mica (C/M/F)Loss Circulation
5GS Seal MHigh loss PlugLoss Circulation
6GS K SealBlended Fibers, Granules, FlakesLoss Circulation
7GS Carb (C/M/F)Sized Calcium CarbonateLoss Circulation
8GS White (C/M/F)Sized Ground MarbleLoss Circulation
9Sure PillInsitu Cross Link polymer PillLoss Circulation
10Sure Pill RetarderAdditive for SurepillLoss Circulation
11Sure Pill AcceleratorAdditive for SurepillLoss Circulation
12Gel SS 20Non Invasive Fluid Loss Circulation
13GS LCM PShredded Paper WasteLoss Circulation
14Kure PillCrosslinked Polymer PillLoss Circulation

Weighing Agents

#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS BarBariteWeighting
2GS CarbCalcium CarbonateWeighting


#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS SolOBM Clean up SolventClean up
2GS SurfOBM Clean up SurfactantClean up
3GS Micro-CleanMicro Emulsion for well bore cleanup Clean up
4GS Clean ENV Asphaltene/paraffin/sludge DissolverClean up
5BromidesZinc, Calcium & Sodium BromideBrines
6ChloridesCalcium, Pottasium & Soduim ChlorideBrines
7FormatesPotasium & Sodium FormateBrines


#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS Free WEco-Friendly weighted spotting fluidSpotting Fluid
2GS Free NWEco-Friendly Non weighted spotting fluidSpotting Fluid
3Polvo Spot Powder Spotting Fluid Spotting Fluid


#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1Gel DetDrilling DetergentPrevents Bit Balling
2GS Rig WashRig WashRig Detergent

Well Bore Strengthening

#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GT Lati SealSealing LatexNano-sized particle based latex
2Gel SS 20Non-invasive FluidsWellbore Strengthening
3GS Graphite C/M/FResilient GraphiteWellbore Strengthening
4GS Nut Plug C/M/FWalnut shellsWellbore Strengthening
#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1GS Mul Ai1Single-component OBM EmulsifierNormal Temperature Emulsifier (275 °F)
2GS Mul Ai1 HTHigh-temperature single-component OBM EmulsifierHigh-Temperature Emulsifier (upto 400 °F)
3GS Mul PPrimary EmulsifierPrimary Emulsifier
4Gel Mul SSecondary EmulsifierSecondary Emulsifier
5GS Mul HPHigh Performance EmulsifierSingle-component High-internal-phase High-temperature Emulsifier
6Gel WetWetting AgentWetting Agent
7GS Sup WetSupplementary Wetting AgentReversing water-wet solids to oil-wet Privacy & Cookies Policy
8GS Wet HPPremium Wetting AgentPremium Wetting Agent
9GS ModRheology ModifierRheology modifier
10GS Thin OThinnerThinner
11GS Boost ESSpeciality EmulsifierEnhancer for Emulsion Stability
12GS TrolNormal AsphaltiteFluid Loss control
13GS Vis -FLTOBM/SOBM Viscosifier Clay-free/Flat Rheology Viscosifier
14GS Trol LHigh-Temperature Liquid Fluid Loss ControllerFluid Loss Control
15GS Trol ALAminated LigniteFluid Loss Control
16GS Vis SFViscosifier for flat rheology and Clay-free mudViscosifier
17GS Clay DPOrganic Clay Dry ProcessedViscosifier
18GS Vis ISBarite Suspender (HRP equivalent)Transportation viscosifier
20GS LC Seal TTreated LCM FibersLost Circulation for OBM
21GS Lube OBMLubricant for Oil based mudLubricant
22GS Free OBM NWNon-weighted Spotting Fluid for Oil Based MudStuck Breaker
23GS Free OBM WWeighted Spotting Fluid for Oil Based Mud Stuck Breaker
24GS Mul ProPremium Secondary EmulsifierInvert emulsifier
25Puro MulPure Invert Emulsifier Invert Emulsifier
26Puro WetPure Wetting agent for Invert EmulsionWetting Agent
27GS Mul PAM Primary Emulsifier Winterized Primary Emulsifier
28Gel Mul SAMSecondary Emulsifier Winterized Secondary Emulsifier
29GS Trol HT High Softening Point AsphaltiteHTHP Fluid Loss Control

Features & Benefits

  • Polvo Series Products are free flowing readily dispersible powders for all types of non-aqueous drilling fluid systems.
  • Traditional liquid emulsifiers tend to freeze at low temperatures, forcing users to have various drum heating arrangements such as drum heaters and hot boxes. The Polvo Series products even at extreme low temperatures remain free flowing powder.
  • Give added savings to the operator by eliminating the high costs of drum handling, disposal and risk of leakage.
  • Conventional Liquid Emulsifiers maintain flowability by incorporating mutual solvents which have lower flash points and may destabilize the emulsion. Polvo Series creates emulsions with higher stability as itis free from such additives.
  • Compatible with all types of non-aqueous drilling fluid systems including various base oils such as low toxic mineral oil, low aromatics, diesel and synthetic base oils which also helps in stocking minimum inventory.
  • Suitable for wide range of Mud Weights and Qil Water Ratios.
  • Enhances system rheology and reduces dosage of organophilic clays.
  • Effective over a wide range of bottom hole temperatures.
#Brand NameGeneric NamePrimary Function
1POLVO MUL Ai1All-in-one powdered EmulsifierEmulsifier
2POLVO MUL PPowdered Primary EmulsifierPrimary Emulsifier
3POLVO MUL SPowdered Secondary EmulsifierSecondary Emulsifier
4POLVO MUL HPPowdered High Performance EmulsifierEmulsifier
5POLVO MUL ProPremium Powdered Secondary EmulsifierSecondary Emulsifier
6POLVO MODPowdered Rheology ModifierRheology Modifier
7POLVO WETPowdered Wetting AgentWetting agent
8POLVO Vis SFPowdered Viscosifier for flat rheology and clay-free mudViscosifier
9POLVO TROLPowdered Fluid loss additiveFluid Loss Control
10POLVO SPOTPowdered Spotting FluidSpotting Fluid WBM

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